Want to be a Gewessi?

copyright Thorn (BMW) last update June 2002

VALUES (new Jun 2002)

WHATS IN A NAME (new Jun2002)




Three criteria you have to be able to fulfil.

1. That you are currently residing in the British Isles or Western Europe, in this incarnation.

Why? Will try to avoid ranting but if you are honouring the spirits of the land they don't travel, and neither should the name.
Britain has already given druidry and Celtic shamanism to the international community. Gewessi is staying here. There are no American, Australian, Indian. African or Germanic outposts of Gewessi.
Those lands have their own spirits, which dance to a different tune. If you want to follow a path honouring the spirit of those lands then you need to find a name that comes from that land.

But didn't people take their gods with them when they settled elsewhere?

Up to about 600AD quite possibly, but tribal and or concept gods are not the same as the spirits of the land.
A goddess of knowledge might travel with the people the Being that was honoured at the local spring would not.

So Gewessi don't honour concept gods?

I do, mine happen to be Welsh, it's the culture I was born into but I recognise that someone growing up in parts of Britain or Western Europe where the pre-Christian peoples assimilated or intermingled more would find Romano/Greek or Saxon concept gods easier to work with.
The important thing is to know the difference between the Being honoured at a local spring and a Goddess of Justice or War.

You don't have to work with tribal or concept gods to be Gewessi.

2. Adopt the nine values as a way to live in this world

They are values, not rules. They can all have scenarios put against them where following the value to the letter is more damaging to someone than bending or breaking it. The usefulness of all of them lies in stopping and thinking through the consequences, it's known as situational ethics.



3.Pick a day and affirm your intent to be Gewessi

Every year on that date take time out to consider if this is still the right name for your expression of belief.
As you study and or work with the Powers that Be you may find your beliefs changing or altering. Mine have to reach this point. There's no one true way.
Gewessi is only one way among many, each has value.

I admit I'd like to know how many people do adopt Gewessi so if you'd like to use the guestbook to make a public confirmation please do. This web site will go live on Samhain 2001 , and although I'm planting a seed I don't yet know what fruit it'll bear.